7690 E. Williams Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Main Line: (602) 449-6700
Attendance Line: (602) 449-6701

September 2010

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.


We are off to a great start of the new school year and already very busy here in the health center at PPES! I would like to remind parents of several items:

1. Please bring in proof of any updated immunizations that were done over the summer.

2. All medications for students must be brought to the health center and parents or guardians must complete a medication consent form.

3. This year's annual health screening for all students will begin on Monday 9/13/10 through Friday 9/17/10. Please be sure your child comes to school with his/her eyeglasses everyday. We work on the screenings each day of that week from 9:10 AM to 11:20 AM, we break during lunch and then resume @ 12:20 PM to 2:30 PM. Volunteers are still needed, please call Nurse Val if you are interested in helping or if you have concerns or questions regarding the screening.

4. Donations are welcome and needed all year long to help care for our students who get sick or injured while at school. The most needed items are 1 inch strip bandaids, Jr. strength chewable acetaminophen (tylenol) and Jr. strength chewable ibuprofen, cough drops, and bottled water.

A huge THANK YOU to all who have already brought in donations for our students!

Be well!

Valerie Hinds, BSN, RN
Arizona Certified School Nurse

Welcome back to all. This year brings many changes. In Technology classes the students will be working harder and having more fun than ever! My web pages are linked to the school website. There, you can find information about class expectations and the kinds of projects students will be creating. All of the lessons in Technology class are based on the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). I encourage you to check out the link on my home page, to read them for yourself.

A thought to ponder...
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. ~Steve Jobs

On another note, the Tech Lab is always in need of donations of hand sanitizer, tissues, and anti-bacterial wipes. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

Looking forward to a great year,
Miss Sorin

MUSIC~Mrs. Zollars: JOIN THE PINNACLE PEAK CHOIR: Choral participation for children in grades four through six provides the opportunity for experiences in the skills of vocal production, music reading and interpretation. Students also experience enhancement of poise, posture and body coordination. Choral music has intrinsic value in itself and provides enjoyment to any participator or listener. Be challenged, have fun, and perform!!
REHEARSAL DAYS AND TIMES: Fourth grade students rehearse on Mondays before school from 8:15 to 9:00. STARTING September 13th.
Fifth & sixth grade students rehearse on Wednesdays before school from 8:15 to 9:00. STARTING September 15th.
Please see Mrs. Zollars for an enrollment form and sign up for choir today!! Famous singers started in choir - you can too - Join the PPES choir!!

P.E.~Mr. Mang: The school year is off to a great start in P.E. Lots of extra things to look forward to including another season of the Cross Country Running Club and an after school baseball and basketball class this fall. Stay tuned for more information and stay updated on everything with P.E. via the PE blog at ppespe.blogspot.com and the P.E. website that can be accessed through links on the school website.

Mr. Mang

COMMUNITY LEGISLATIVE NETWORK: The Community Legislative Network, or CLN, was formed 6 years ago as the result of a grassroots effort. Members of the committee represent all stakeholder groups in the district including parents, certificated employees, education support professionals, central office administrators, governing board members and community representatives. Each fall, the committee develops a legislative agenda for the PVUSD. They track legislation and meet with state legislators to inform and educate them about the district’s positions. The CLN utilizes an e-mail network and send legislative updates to individual stakeholders with the goal of activating them to communicate with their legislators. If you would like to be added to the CLN e-mail network please email your name and personal email address to mailto:subscribecln@gmail.com.For questions about CLN, please contact Julie Bacon, CLN Chair at mailto:jwbacon@cox.net

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.

Below is a link to Superintendent Lee's letter regarding the budget. http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/budget_march2010.html

Little Scholars:
The Paradise Valley Unified School District offers "Little Scholars-a Core Knowledge Pre-Kindergarten" program that prepares children for the all-day Kindergarten experience. Children who turn 4 years old before September 1, 2010, are eligible to register. Children attend school five days a week from 8:30am-2:30pm. Best of all, tuition for this incredibly successful program is extremely competitive at $546 per month. This program is offered by the PVUSD Community Education Department, therefore any inquiries should be directed to them at (602) 449-2200.
Mini Scholars: The Paradise Valley Unified School District offers "Mini Scholars-a Core Knowledge Pre-school Program" that also meets the standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Children who turn 3 years old before September 1, 2010, are eligible to register. Children attend school five days a week from 8:30am-2:30pm. Best of all, tuition for this incredibly successful pre-school is extremely competitive at $566 per month (a non-refundable registration fee of $75 is due at the time of registration.) This program is offered by the PVUSD Community Education Department, therefore any inquiries should be directed to them at (602) 449-2200.

Kindergarten registration will continue through the end of the school year, but please register as soon as you are able. It would be helpful to know our student numbers as soon as possible.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: PPES will accept open enrollment for all grades (Kdg-6).

REPORT CARDS AND INFINITE CAMPUS: PVUSD is going through a major change in its student data management system. Our new system, called Infinite Campus, will prove to be a very powerful opportunity for you to monitor information regarding your child. Please click on the link below for step-by-step instructions on how to check your child's grades.


To view a sample copy of our new Report Card, please click the link below.



MAY 2010

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.

Below is a link to Superintendent Lee's letter regarding the budget. http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/budget_march2010.html

SUMMER SCHOOL: Summer Soaring at the Peak~ Hurry, Classes are filling fast!
Join us at PPES for a summer of fun and academics. There are a variety of classes offered for all age groups and interest levels. Spend your summer becoming a better reader, writer, dancer, or scientist. Be a part of the Summer Soaring news team, become a Jr. Vet, or learn how to lead a ìDangerousî and ìDaringî life. Spend your time revving up with the some great sports activities, or learn the discipline of yoga. Whatever your interest, Summer Soaring at the Peak has a class for you. Visit http://comed.pvschools.net/ for a complete list of classes. Any questions? E-mail James Hicks at jhicks@pvschools.net

Kindergarten registration will continue through the end of the school year, but please register as soon as you are able. It would be helpful to know our student numbers as soon as possible.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: PPES will accept open enrollment for all grades (Kdg-6).

REPORT CARDS AND INFINITE CAMPUS: PVUSD is going through a major change in its student data management system. Our new system, called Infinite Campus, will prove to be a very powerful opportunity for you to monitor information regarding your child. Please click on the link below for step-by-step instructions on how to check your child's grades.


To view a sample copy of our new Report Card, please click the link below.


MUSIC~ from Mrs. Zollars
Rehearsal days and Times: 4th grade students rehearse on Mondays before school from 8:00-8:40am. 5th and 6th grade students rehearse on Wednesdays before school from 8:00-8:40am.

PE~ from Mr. Mang
PE Calendars: Calendars can now be found online at: http://cmweb.pvschools.net/ppesweb. Just follow the links from departments and grade levels to special areas, to Mr. Mang's P.E. Department, and then to P.E. Calendar. Or you can just go to http://cmweb.pvschools.net/-gmang. P.E. Calendars are a fun and easy way for kids to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!

ART~ from Mrs.Kohl Our creative students that worked so hard on their duck stamp designs have been honored again. The winners were announced on a.m. announcements three weeks ago. Many of the entries are on display outside the art room now. These will be taken down soon and another set displayed. The 1st-3rd and honorable mention winners from our school for the Arizona State Duck Design will be on display next week and their names will be posted on the art door. If your child was a winner for their design or conservation message, please look in their backpack because they have an invitation to the awards assembly at the Zoo on May 22nd at 9a.m. There will be a short speech, students receive their huge ribbons, usually a gift, and your family can enjoy the zoo for the day with the 2 free adult passes that your child receives. All children 12 and under are free. I have taken photos of numerous designs and hope to create our own PPES duck calendar for next year.
May 10th, on 9a.m. school announcements Olivia Raiff will be honored for having her design picked to be made into a real stamp. The Arizona Fish and Game department and Duck's Unlimited is now recognizing the elementary student's expertise and creating 500 stamps to be purchased for philatelists and duck hunters to purchase. Our before-school duck studio time and supplies this year, were primarily covered by a grant from the Raiff foundation. We will be hanging a picture in our school that includes a copy of Olivia's design, the real stamp and a picture of her with the Governor. This year's state winner was also from our school. Taylor Forbeck will have her design made into a stamp for this year. She will be interviewed on May 10th and recognized on May 22nd with the other state winners. Our students' hard work and expertise is being recognized. If you have been saving your child's design each year, you are able to view their incredible increase of knowledge of bird species shapes and patterns, and also see their artistic skills develop. Congratulations to all our students.
Two other students, Sam Teplitz and Jacob Metz entered a Forever Wildlife contest this year where they drew our state fish, which is the Apache trout, plus had to write a short essay. We will find out the results on May 11th.
All entries to the District Art Show are now on display in our school's office area. Congratulations to those students. The year is winding down, but 5th grade is working on clay heads and 6th grade is creating a metal repousse sculpture. Fourth is learning about Rousseau and how to create tints and shades in paint. Third grade is working on fish designs and second is finishing with Georgia Okeeffe and wonderful pastel flowers. First and kindergarten are busy with environments, insects and flowers. Watch out for huge ladybugs!

April 2010

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.


Dear Parents,

I wanted to take a moment to share some critical information regarding the school and what you can expect as we get closer to summer. This will help you to understand and navigate a very unusual and uncertain spring time.

As I'm sure you are aware, there is an election forthcoming in May that will impact the budget's of Arizona's school districts for the 2010-2011 school year. Typically, PVUSD has already outlined a reasonably firm budget next year, and has staffed and funded accordingly. Because of the uncertainty regarding the outcome of the election, PVUSD is moving forward under both possible scenarios (failure or passage), so that it can be ready for the following year. In short, there is no way for PVUSD to wait until after the election before dealing with the myriad of staffing, supplying, and funding issues for 2010-2011.

Because of this, we are preparing for both possible outcomes. Obviously, the uncertainty regarding staffing will not allow me to assign teachers to grade levels, etc., with any confidence. In the coming weeks, we will have two staffing/assignment lists for 2010-2011, and we will need to wait to see which one goes "live." These list of assignments may include teacher movement to different grade levels or to different schools. I know that rumors spread and stories are told, but it will be important that we proceed with the understanding that nothing is definite, at this time.

More concrete and aside from hearing stories about possible staffing changes, the most pronounced effect of this process will be our inhibited ability to work with class lists for next year. As always, I will try and find an avenue for experience-based input, however, it is very possible that class lists will not be available until the summer or fall. Although I like to get assignments to families on the final report card, it just may not be feasible this year. But, we will do our best!

In closing, the purpose of this post is to encourage the understanding that many stories are likely to be heard and scenarios presented, however, we do not yet know which of those outcomes will come to fruition. I urge everyone to "hang in there," while we go through these very unusual times. Fortunately, I can say with complete confidence that strong instruction will continue through the reminder of the year, regardless of the "backdrop."

As always, I will keep you posted as news arises. Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Below is a link to Superintendent Lee's letter regarding the budget. http://cmweb.pvschools.net/siteweb/budget_march2010.html

AIMS TESTING: AIMS testing begins April 13 and continues through April 20 for grades 3-6. Stanford 10 testing for second grade is held on April 14 and 15. Please make every effort to ensure that your child is on time and in school during our testing weeks. For students who arrive after a testing session has begun, he/she will not be allowed into the classroom until the conclusion of that testing session, and will be scheduled to make up the test at a later date. Getting to bed early and providing nutritious meals and snacks for your child helps to boost brain power! Although some days are allotted for make-up testing, the window to perform make up tests is severely reduced this year. In addition, for some children, the anxiety of testing in an unfamiliar room, with an unfamiliar adult and students can be unnerving. We are excited for our students to demonstrate what they have learned this year!

Kindergarten registration will continue through the end of the school year, but please register as soon as you are able. It would be helpful to know our student numbers as soon as possible.

OPEN ENROLLMENT: PPES will accept open enrollment for all grades (Kdg-6).

REPORT CARDS AND INFINITE CAMPUS: PVUSD is going through a major change in its student data management system. Our new system, called Infinite Campus, will prove to be a very powerful opportunity for you to monitor information regarding your child. Please click on the link below for step-by-step instructions on how to check your child's grades.


To view a sample copy of our new Report Card, please click the link below.


ART~ from Mrs. Kohl
Arabian Horse Show: Exciting news from the PPES art room. All entries from the Arabian horse show on display will be taken down next week and returned to students. Art work that was on display at the District art show will then be on display in the office.

Taylor Forbeck was chosen as the state winner from grades K-6 to have her duck stamp design made into a real stamp this year. Arizona Fish and Game prints 6,too stamps each year to be purchased by hunters and philatelists. Since last year, 500 of those are a student's design. Olivia Raiff, from our school was last year's winner. Her stamp design was sold out in two months. Her family granted our school a large sum in order to pay for this year's before-school studio time, supplies and art that displays Olivia's duck design, original stamp, plus a picture of her with Governor Brewer. Taylor will also have this same opportunity.

Thirty eight students were winners in the 2010-2011 Arizona Federal Junior Duck Stamp contest. In group K-3, 1st place, Avery Stauffacher and 3rd place, Lindsay Dahl plus 12 Honorable Mentions. Samantha Rhodes won for her conservation message of "Our earth is a terrible thing to waste" and Makai Scott for "Don't be a quack put your stuff in the trash".
In group 4-6, Sydney Collins and Taylor Forbeck with a 1st place, Kiana Clarke, Brandon Kwon and Emma Merdovic in 2nd place, and 3rd place was Giavanna Devito, Ashley Harlan and Bianca Vianson. Twelve students received Honorable Mention. Conservation Message winners were Colton Kennedy "Preserve today what you want for tomorrow" and Brian Lu for "Be fond of the pond".

Upcoming events would include a possible Duck Stamp Design calendar for next year and viewing of designs on PPES web site. Congratulations to all students for their hard work. Many other designs will be on display outside the art room next week.

MUSIC~ from Mrs. Zollars
There will be a choir concert on May 11th at 7:00pm. in the multi-purpose room. Annie, Wicked, Hairspray, and Grease, just to name a few…

Please join the choir as they perform “Broadway Our Way”. We are sure you will recognize many of these songs, and you may even want to sing along. Take a trip back with us as we perform some musical highlights of Broadway Theater. Bring the whole family!!

Rehearsal days and Times: 4th grade students rehearse on Mondays before school from 8:00-8:40am. 5th and 6th grade students rehearse on Wednesdays before school from 8:00-8:40am.

PE~ from Mr. Mang
District Field Day: On Tuesday, March 16, select students in grades 4-6 competed in the annual Paradise Valley District Field Day at Horizon High School. Once again, Pinnacle Peak students faired very well against other schools in our district. Events included the 75 Yard Dash, 600 Yard Run, High Jump, Long Jump, and Relays. Most importantly, the representatives from Pinnacle Peak had a fun day in this competition. Congratulations to all students who competed.

PE Calendars: Calendars can now be found online at: http://cmweb.pvschools.net/ppesweb. Just follow the links from departments and grade levels to special areas, to Mr. Mang's P.E. Department, and then to P.E. Calendar. Or you can just go to http://cmweb.pvschools.net/-gmang. P.E. Calendars are a fun and easy way for kids to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!

MARCH 2010

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.

Kindergarten registration begins March 8, 2010. Our PTO will host school tours on March 12 at 10:00a.m. and 11:00a.m., and March 19 at 10:00a.m. and 11:00a.m. Please be sure to come to the office and sign up for a tour.
Open Enrollment: PPES will accept open enrollment for all grades (Kdg-6).

REPORT CARDS AND INFINITE CAMPUS: PVUSD is going through a major change in its student data management system. Our new system, called Infinite Campus, will prove to be a very powerful opportunity for you to monitor information regarding your child. Please click on the link below for step-by-step instructions on how to check your child's grades.


To view a sample copy of our new Report Card, please click the link below.


THE CENSUS: The U.S. Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years. The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States: in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. This includes people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, both citizens and non-citizens.

Your Participation in the Census Matters:
- Every year, more than $300 billion in federal funds is awarded to states, communities, and schools based on census data.
- Census data guide local decision-makers in important community planning efforts, including where to build new roads, hospitals, and schools.
- Census data determine boundaries for state and local legislative and congressional districts and how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Census Questionnaire: Simple to Complete and SAFE:
- The Census questionnaire asks only a few simple questions of each person—name, relationship, gender, age, and date of birth, race, and whether the respondent owns or rents his/her home. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete.
- The questionnaire will be mailed to all households in February and March. Residents are asked to return the questionnaire by mail by Census Day, April 1, 2010. Census takers will visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail during the months of April – July 2010.
- The Census Bureau does not release or share information that identifies individual respondents or their household for 72 years.
- All information collected remains confidential. Census workers take oaths for life to protect the confidentiality of census responses. Violation would result in a jail term of up to five years and/or fine of up to $250,000. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share an individual’s answers with anyone, including welfare and immigration agencies.

For more information on the 2010 Census, visit their website at www.census.gov/2010census

ART~ from Mrs. Kohl
Arabian Horse Show: PPES had 4 students place in the top 10 reserve at the Arabian Horse Show design contest. They were Lindsay Dahl, Will Goldwater, Cassie Menge and Molly Cahill. All 26 students that entered were winners and their art will be on display in the office next week.

If any parent has a duck stamp entry form at home please send it back to school as soon as possible. Please make sure the address information is filled in. I will need to send the entries to Yuma by March 8th. Students have worked very hard on their designs and that effort shows. It will be exciting to know the results by the first week in April.

Art work is now being chosen for the District Art Show. I will put the art show up on March 12 at the Paradise Valley Community College and take down will be on March 25th. Students that have art on display will be notified by March 15th.

MUSIC~ from Mrs. Zollars
Join the Pinnacle Peak Choir: Choir has started rehearsals for our Spring performance "Broadway Our Way". We would love to have some more singers in our group. All students in fourth through sixth grades are welcome to join choir. This is a great opportunity for students to develop their musical and performing skills. Also, they will have fun singing some great music from some very famous shows. I know that we have a lot of very talented Pinnacle Peak Eagles that should be on stage. If your child is interested in joining choir they can see Mrs. Zollars for an enrollment form.
Rehearsal days and Times: 4th grade students rehearse on Mondays before school from 8:00-8:40am. 5th and 6th grade students rehearse on Wednesdays before school from 8:00-8:40am.

PE~ from Mr. Mang
Field Days were a SUCCESS! Great job to all students at Pinnacle Peak who recently participated in our annual Field Days! A BIG THANKS to all parents who helped out in any capacity, the teachers who helped, and the 6th graders who helped. Also, THANKS to parents who came to watch their children and came to support P.E. Select 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will be competing at our annual District Field Day on Tuesday, March 9th at Horizon High School. Go Eagles!!

Also, just a reminder that optional monthly P.E. calendars can be found and printed online or a copy can be picked up at the front office. Calendars are a great way to encourage your child to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!
PE Calendars: Calendars can now be found online at: http://cmweb.pvschools.net/ppesweb. Just follow the links from departments and grade levels to special areas, to Mr. Mang's P.E. Department, and then to P.E. Calendar. Or you can just go to http://cmweb.pvschools.net/-gmang. P.E. Calendars are a fun and easy way for kids to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!

TECHNOLOGY~ from Ms. Sorin
Dear Grades 1 and 4 Parents,

You are cordially invited to attend the Desert Voices Storytelling Festival! It's presented by the Pinnacle Peak Elementary 1st and 4th grade classes.

When: March 10th, 5:30 p.m. Student artifacts may be viewed starting at 5:00p.m.
Where: PPES Multi-Purpose Room
Why: Pinnacle Peak first and fourth grade students are very fortunate to be participating in a special arts and literacy program over the next two and a half weeks. This program is funded by the Arizona Commission on the Arts and our very own PTO. Our visiting artist in residence, Sandy Oglesby, is a professional storyteller and is well versed in Native American cultures of the desert southwest. Mrs. Oglesby has worked as a docent at the Pueblo Grande Museum and she has worked with Elderhostel education programs. She also became an Arizona Tour Guide in order to work with resorts on educating visitors about the desert and its many cultural groups. Mrs. Oglesby will share her knowledge of desert peoples and their traditions, in order to develop students' understanding of the art of storytelling and its role in society, and to create artifacts similar to those left by the Anasazi and Hohokam people. In addition to artifacts made with Mrs. Oglesby, our wonderful art teacher, Mrs. Kohl, will be making pottery with authentic Native American designs.

We look forward to seeing you at our performance!

Sincerely, Mrs. Hornbeck, Miss Stout, Ms. Albrecht, Miss DeLuco, Miss Schilling, Ms. Brazie, Miss Cox, Miss Hastings, Mrs. Scheuermann, Mrs. Kohl, and Miss Sorin

February 2010 Newsletter

For the most up-to-date information from Mr. Lee, please visit his blog at http://www.ppesprincipal.blogspot.com/.


The Census:
- The U.S. Constitution requires a national census once every 10 years.
- The census is a count of everyone residing in the United States: in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. This includes people of all ages, races, ethnic groups, both citizens and non-citizens.

Your Participation in the Census Matters:
- Every year, more than $300 billion in federal funds is awarded to states, communities, and schools based on census data.
- Census data guide local decision-makers in important community planning efforts, including where to build new roads, hospitals, and schools.
- Census data determine boundaries for state and local legislative and congressional districts and how many seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Census Questionnaire: Simple to Complete and SAFE:
- The Census questionnaire asks only a few simple questions of each person—name, relationship, gender, age, and date of birth, race, and whether the respondent owns or rents his/her home. The questionnaire takes about 10 minutes to complete.
- The questionnaire will be mailed to all households in February and March. Residents are asked to return the questionnaire by mail by Census Day, April 1, 2010. Census takers will visit households that did not return a questionnaire by mail during the months of April – July 2010.
- The Census Bureau does not release or share information that identifies individual respondents or their household for 72 years.
- All information collected remains confidential. Census workers take oaths for life to protect the confidentiality of census responses. Violation would result in a jail term of up to five years and/or fine of up to $250,000. By law, the Census Bureau cannot share an individual’s answers with anyone, including welfare and immigration agencies.

For more information on the 2010 Census, visit their website at www.census.gov/2010census

ART~ from Mrs. Kohl
Thanks!: Fantastic-Terrific-Generous- THE BEST PARENTS! I am so privileged to work at this great school. Mrs. O'Hara sent out the supply list flyers and purchased buckets to coordinate your donations to the art department. Thank you so much for the terrific response. As of now we still have a need, from any grade, for the following items: markers-thick and thin, sandpaper, small paper plates, and plaster of Paris (yes I wish we really did have to go to Paris to get it and see the Louvre). You are the best parents in America! Thanks again.

MUSIC~ from Mrs. Zollars
Join the Pinnacle Peak Choir: Choir has started rehearsals for our Spring performance "Broadway Our Way". We would love to have some more singers in our group. All students in fourth through sixth grades are welcome to join choir. This is a great opportunity for students to develop their musical and performing skills. Also, they will have fun singing some great music from some very famous shows. I know that we have a lot of very talented Pinnacle Peak Eagles that should be on stage. If your child is interested in joining choir they can see Mrs. Zollars for an enrollment form.
Rehearsal days and Times: 4th grade students rehearse on Mondays before school from 8:00-8:40am. 5th and 6th grade students rehearse on Wednesdays before school from 8:00-8:40am.

PE~ from Mr. Mang
Field Days are coming! See the dates below. Come cheer on your child!
Kdg. and 1st Grade: Friday, February 19
2nd and 3rd Grade: Monday, February 22
4th, 5th, and 6th Grade: Wednesday, February 24 (full day) and Thursday, February 25 (afternoon only)

Also, just a reminder that optional monthly P.E. calendars can be found and printed online or a copy can be picked up at the front office. Calendars are a great way to encourage your child to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!
PE Calendars: Calendars can now be found online at: http://cmweb.pvschools.net/ppesweb. Just follow the links from departments and grade levels to special areas, to Mr. Mang's P.E. Department, and then to P.E. Calendar. Or you can just go to http://cmweb.pvschools.net/-gmang. P.E. Calendars are a fun and easy way for kids to be active. And don't forget, students who turn a calendar in are eligible to win gift cards to fun places!

TECHNOLOGY~ from Ms. Sorin
5th and 6th Grade: Wow, the kids are all working so hard on their projects! The 5th and 6th graders are on track to give James Cameron a run for his money. Their multi-media projects are really coming along. Check with your students to see if they have started a blog and encourage them to invite you to view it!
4th Grade: Our 4th graders have been doing research and creating slideshow presentations in preparation for their art residency with storyteller, Sandy Oglesby. Each student selected an Arizona Native American Tribe and researched that culture.
1st, 2nd, 3rd Grade: Students in grades 1-3 have also been hard at work creating slideshows. Many are close to finishing their projects and may want to burn a copy of it to a CD in order to bring home and share with family. If your child wants to bring home their slideshow you can send him/her to school with an unused CD+R. Our student computers will not burn to DVD.
Kindergarten: Kinders have also been hard at work. We have started learning Microsoft Word. Students are learning to use special keys (space, return, shift, and delete) and change font size. This is a real challenge but they are doing great!
Help: One last thing, the Computer Lab needs large bottles of hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes. We use these to keep the students and computers germ-free. Any donations would be very much appreciated.

From the Green Team - Ms. Sorin
The Green Team Club has started and we look forward to sharing everything we learn about eco-friendly living. The first thing we want to share is that Pinnacle Peak Elementary School is part of the Elmer's Glue Crew. This means that we will be collecting empty glue sticks and water bottles. Bottles need to have a #1 or #2 recycling code. In the Spring, we will turn in or collections for recycling. For every item we turn in, the school can get 2 cents (every little bit counts)! The more we recycle, the more we help the Earth and earn money for our school! Sounds like a win-win deal.

If you have any questions, you can email Ms. Sorin at psorin@pvschools.net or call her at (602) 449-6700